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Thursday, June 27, 2013

Women's 'rights'

      A lot of abortion in the news so I was thinking earlier this evening that there is a real corruption/disease in this country in the extreme selfish act of killing your own child and calling it a 'right'.
I'm not a Christian, and I do not believe that life begins at conception, but measurable brain activity at 20 weeks seems like a damn good cut off idea for me, and no one is talking about the extreme examples that are always given, rape, massive birth defects, danger to the life of the mother, so please take your straw man and go home. If you think looking at a picture of an ultrasound is taking away one of your 'rights'. Maybe you need to look deep inside because the only reason not to look at that would be you 'know' you are doing something wrong and feel guilty about it.

      We are all animals, your built in natural instinct is to protect your offspring with your own life if need be and there is something defective when that imperative is violated. The feminist movement has set women so far back it is insane. Women, you do not want to be men, we are primal, sometimes brutal and violent and we run off different instincts. You are the mothers, you are supposed to be the protectors, not the killers. Your 'rights' end when they interfere with the rights of another. Life begins and ends with brain activity.

You figure out the rest. (Yes I know wall of text, I will reformat in the morning)


Beth said...

You are so correct!

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